Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Sticks & Stones

Whoever said "sticks & stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me" is full of crap. Seriously, how many of you have been hurt by words. There is so much power in a simple word. One word can lift someone up or break them down. This goes back to my previous post about choice. We can choose to use positive and uplifting words or we can choose to tear others down with hurtful, negative words. One word is all it takes. 

Maybe someone in your life embodies so much negativity that's its hard to see anything good about them, but I assure you, it's in there! Speak words of encouragement & love and eventually the hard shell will crack & light will come shining through! Calling someone a bad name or criticizing them isn't going to make them want to mold into your standards of who & what they should or shouldn't be. Being a loving inspiration, using kindness & encouragement, choosing your words wisely & being a good example is what will help anyone who is struggling. 

Think back to an event in your own life. What made you push harder to be better, to do better? Was it someone poking fun at you? Talking down to you? Pointing out all your flaws (or what they see as your flaws)? Being a BULLY? I'm guessing the answer is a resounding NO. Ever heard the phrase "you catch more bees with honey than you do with vinegar"? It may sound silly but it's true!

Making fun of people, putting others down & speaking words of negativity over someone isn't cute, it isn't clever & it certainly isn't making you any friends! (Thank you Jaqui Bell for the latter part of that phrase!)

You would have kept those words on your tongue
If you had known the hurt they had done
While your fist laid right by your side
Your words they cut me deep inside
I'd rather have sticks and stones and broken bones
Then the words you say to me
'Cause I know that bruises heal
And cuts will seal
But your words, beat the life from me
- Dave Barnes -
"Sticks & Stones"

For those of you feeling victimized by someone's unkind words, remember: we weren't sent here to impress or have approval from people but only to love one another. 

Be Love.

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